[Deprecated] Message Queue Trigger: Kind Fission

How Message Queue Trigger Works

A message queue trigger invokes a function based on messages from an message queue. It allows users to invoke function in an asynchronous way by sending messages. Since all functions are invoked by HTTP calls, in order to support message queuing a component called Message Queue Trigger, which sits between message queue and user function, is introduced to subscribe to different message topics and invoke function when needed.

Fig.1 Overview

Fig.1 Overview

The Message Queue Trigger keeps watching the CRD changes of message queue trigger (messagequeuetriggers.fission.io).

$ fission mqtrigger create --name hello --function node --topic foobar

When a message queue trigger was created with the command above, the Message Queue Trigger first subscribes to the topic foobar and waits for messages being published to message queue. As long as Message Queue Trigger receives a message from certain topic, it then sends a POST HTTP call to function node with the content body of message.

We may also want to receive success/error response after each function invocation. To achieve this, you can add additional --resptopic and --errortopic flags when creating message queue trigger.

$ fission mqtrigger create --name hello --function node --topic foobar \
    --resptopic foo --errortopic bar --maxretries 3

If a function returns with 200 HTTP status code, the MQTrigger will send the response body to resptopic; otherwise, MQTrigger will retry multiple times until reach maxretries and sends to errortopic if all invocations failed.

Currently, only NATS Streaming and Kafka type of message queue trigger supports error topic.
$ fission mqt create --name hellomsg --function hello --mqtype nats-streaming --topic newfile --resptopic newfileresponse
trigger 'hellomsg' created

You can list or update message queue triggers with fission mqt list, or fission mqt update.

Message Queue Supportability

Fission now supports following kinds of message queue:

How to Add New Message Queue Support

We are always looking forward to any contribution. To add new message queue, you need to implement the MessageQueue interface and see here for current existing implementations.

Fission NATS Streaming

Fission Kafka

MQTrigger based for Kafka with kind Fission